Investigation disciplinary process Croydon

Investigation disciplinary process Croydon

The problem

We were contacted urgently by a Managing Director of a small business who had received information that a manager had been abusing his company credit card. The Managing Director had no idea how to approach the situation and was understandably worried by the very serious nature of the allegations made.

The solution

To support and advise the Company in conducting a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation to enable them to resolve the matter as quickly as possible and to satisfy the company’s legal obligation to investigate the allegations in an effective, fair manner.

Once initial information had been gathered, we advised the Company and due to the serious nature of the allegations a decision was made to suspend the employee. We provided the Company with advice throughout every step of the investigation process. With our onsite support and expert guidance, the investigating manager conducted lengthy interviews with the accused employee, and witnesses to establish the facts of the case, analysed the evidence and produced written records. Personnel files, relevant correspondence, documents, company procedures and policies were reviewed. Following a thorough analysis of the evidence a full report setting out the investigation’s findings was submitted and a recommendation made to discipline the employee on gross misconduct grounds. A disciplinary hearing was conducted by an impartial senior Manager and a decision made to dismiss.

The outcome

By using us to guide investigate the complaint, the company benefited from both employee relations expertise and a realistic HR perspective. Not only was the company able to demonstrate its compliance with legal requirements but the investigation was thorough and detailed enough to demonstrate and justify the decision to hold a disciplinary hearing and subsequently dismiss the employee in question on gross misconduct grounds.

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